Monday, January 31, 2011

The verdict

Well, after my 1st official weigh-in the results are good. I have lost 1.1kg...............yay!! Any loss is a good loss so now it's only 24kg to lose!! Hubby also pulled a good number, a little higher than mine but a pretty good loss, for a guy whose only form of exercise this past week was working 5 days a week and mowing the lawns. So maybe running around like a mad woman at night cleaning the house and doing the dishes and sweating up a storm have helped!!
Can't figure out how to rotate it!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Monday night weigh in!

After the initial shock subsided, which took about a week, hubby and I decided that we had to do something about our weight, as he had also put on excess weight. I had a c-section this last pregnancy so that makes things a little tougher as you're not supposed to do most things for 6 weeks. I have just started walking again, pushing my son on his bike around the block every night before tea. It takes about 20minutes and although there is only 1 hill, I do sweat!! And man did my legs feel it after my first walk.....something they had not been accustomed to for a while!!! SO anyways, I said to hubby I need to be accountable for this health kick - I have previously done weight watchers when losing weight for my wedding and love the fact that you go there once a week, get weighed and it's recorded. So up on the fridge went our starting weights - mine was 85.9kgs and that was last Monday. I have tried to walk every night, have dropped 2 nights I think, have been more conscious of what I eat and how much I eat. Will let you know how it goes!!

The check up nightmare!

Having just had my second kidlet, I went to the doctor for the 6 week check-up, as you do, however it turned into the 6 week nightmare! The Dr asked me to hop on the scales, a scary thought at the best of times let alone after having a baby, which I did not wanting to see the result. I'm not sure about anyone else but I tend to put on a stack of weight when I'm pregnant and to everyone else it looks like I'm 'all baby' but when the baby comes they forget to take all that weight with them!! So to my horror I jumped on and didn't like what I saw.......85kg! I was 74kg when I fell pregnant with my second so that's an extra 11kg and I said to the Doc "Oh 15kg to lose" in a very sullen voice. To my surprise, and this is where the nightmare began, she said "You should be aiming for 60kg, that's a healthy range for you." OMG that's a whopping 25kg!!!!!!!!!!! How is someone supposed to lose half that much! And unfortunately for me, both my kidlets refused to take to the boob, so no weight loss through breastfeeding for me. This is going to be one hard slog.......where do I begin???